
PSUNX process scheduler redirect to look for cobols in a non-default location and RCCBL remote call

You can have cobols being looked at different directory on Unix by modifying the following parameters in the following files, then clear caches and restart the process scheduler and the application server.

A) For the process scheduler

1 ) psprcs.cfg
if the CBLBIN does not exist in the psprcs.cfg , simply you can add this parameter

2) psprcsrv.ubx

3) Clear cache and restart the process scheduler

B) For the Application server to run the remote cobol

1) psappsrv.cfg

2) psappsrv.ubx

3) Restart application server.

PeopleSoft Installaton script order for new environment creation

CHANGE AND ON SCRIPTS createdb10.sql, rollback.sql,epddl.sql,ptddlupg.sql,ptddl.sql,utlspace.sql ,ts841.sql TO THE APPROPRIATE VALUES FOR  DATABASE STANDARD

All the scripts will be available on PS_HOME\scripts\NT after the Peoplesoft application installation
1)createdb10.sql-- creates database (Change the database name and file locatoin)
2)rollback.sql -- created rollback segnemt .
3)epddl.sql -- Creates PeopleSoft metadata tools tablespace and PS application data tablespace (Change the datafiles location in the script for server standard)
4)ptddlupg.sql -- Creates additional metadata tools tablespace.Ignore error tablespace already exists (Change the datafiles location in the script)
5)ptddl.sql -- Creates additional metadata tools tablespace.Ignore error tablespace already exists (Change the datafiles location in the script)
6)utlspace.sql -- Creates temp tables and Runs catalog,cataproc,catablock for loading oracle metadata ( Change datafiles location and script path)
7)ts841.sql -- Creates additional metadata tools tablespace.Ignore error tablespace already exists (Change the datafiles location in the script)
8)dbowner.sql -- creates user PS and PSDBOWNER table/synonym (change oracle system password in script to connect)
9)connect.sql -- creates user people

10)psrole.sql -- creates two roles PSUSER and PSADMIN

11)psadmin.sql -- Enter user name as “sysadm” and password “sysadm” when prompts. This script also runs catdbsyn/pupbld (change oracle system password in script to connect)

12)upstats.sql -- runs the DB statistics after data load from data mover

Then load the data from datamover

COBOL custom path compilation different from PS HOME

Create a custom directory called "TEST".Copy all the cobol source code to to this directory and also copy the setup folder to this TEST directory.Follow the below steps to generate the .gnt executables in the custom target path from custom souce path

C:\Documents and Settings\svc_psoft>set PS_HOME=d:\psoft\TEST

C:\Documents and Settings\svc_psoft>set path=D:\psoft\TEST\src\cbl\win32;%path%

C:\Documents and Settings\svc_psoft>set COBROOT="D:\Program Files\Micro Focus\Net Express 5.0\Base"

C:\Documents and Settings\svc_psoft>d:

D:\>cd %PS_HOME%\setup

D:\pt849gbl\FINGRPT\setup>cblbld c: \temp