
Tar command

tar command is used to create archive and extract the archive files.

The Syntax is
tar [options] [archive-file] [File or directory to be archived]


-cCreates Archive
-xExtract the archive
-fcreates archive with give filename
-tdisplays or lists files in archived file
-uarchives and adds to an existing archive file
-vDisplays Verbose Information
-AConcatenates the archive files

  1. To archive a directory or file :
    tar -cvf backup.tar /etc

    This command creates a tarfile called backup.tar which is the archive of /etc directory.

    backup.tar- Is a tar file created
    /etc- Is a directory archived

  2. To archive a directory or file and store it in a storage device:
    tar -cvf /dev/fd0 /home/user1/HGB

    This command will archive /etc directory and store it in floppy-disk.

    /dev/fd0- Is a floppy-disk name where the archive is stored
    /home/user1/HGB- Is a directory archived

  3. To Extract the archive:
    tar -xvf backup.tar

    This command will extract the backup.tar file

  4. To List The File In An Archive:
    tar -tvf backup.tar

    The above command will display the files and directories that archived in backup.tar.

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