
What Character Set Supports Which Language

This list identifies which Oracle ISO or MSWIN character sets contains which supported language(s). All of these character sets contain the 7-bit ASCII English characters and numerals. Oracle lists both the ISO and MSWIN characteristics and their recommendation is to use the MSWIN database character sets instead of the ISO versions, even if all of your clients are not Windows based. This is simply because the MSWIN database character sets are more comprehensive and support more characters than the ISO database character sets.

There are no problems using a MSWIN database character set on a non-Windows/Unix platform.

You can determine what the current value for your database character set is by executing the following statement:

select value from NLS_DATABASE_PARAMETERS where parameter=’NLS_CHARACTERSET’;

To determine the client setting use ‘NLS_LANG’ instead of ‘NLS_CHARACTERSET’ and see note below.

Character Sets
WE8ISO8859P15 (ISO 8859-15), WE8MSWIN1252 : Albanian, Basque, Breton, Catalan, Cornish, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, Frisian, Galician, German, Greenlandic, Irish Gaelic, Italian, Luxembourgish, Norwegian, Portuguese, Rhaeto-Romanic, Scottish Gaelic, Spanish, Swedish and the Euro symbol

EE8ISO8859P2 (ISO 8859-2), EE8MSWIN1250 : Albanian, Croatian, Czech, German, Hungarian, Polish, Slovak, Slovenian, Sorbian

NEE8ISO8859P4 (ISO 8859-4), BLT8MSWIN1257 : Danish, Estonian, Finnish, German, Greenlandic, Latvian, Lithuanian, Norwegian, Sami, Slovenian, Swedish

CL8ISO8859P5 (ISO 8859-5), CL8MSWIN1251 : Bulgarian, Byelorussian, Slavic Macedonian, Russian, Sebian, Ukrainian

AR8ISO8859P6 (ISO 8859-6), AR8MSWIN1256 : Arabic

EL8ISO8859P7 (ISO 8859-7), EL8MSWIN1253 : Greek (monitoniko orthography)

IW8ISO8859P8 (ISO 8859-8), IW8MSWIN1255 : Hebrew

VN8MSWIN1258 : Vietnamese


JA16SJIS : Japanese

ZHS16GBK : Simplified Chinese

KO16MSWIN949 : Korean

ZHT16HKSCS and ZHT16HKSCS31 : Traditional Chinese (Taiwan)

ZHT16HKSCS and ZHT16HKSCS31 : Traditional Chinese (Hong Kong)

WE8ISO8859P2 (ISO 8859-1) : Albanian, Basque, Breton, Catalan, Cornish, Danish, Dutch, Faroese, French, Finnish, Frisian, Galician, German, Greenlandic, Icelandic, Irish Gaelic (new orthography), Italian, Luxemburgish, Norwegian, Portugese, Rhaeto-Romanic, Scottish Gaelic, Spanish, Swedish

SE8ISO8859P3 (ISO 8859-3) : Esperanto, French, German, Italian, Maltese, Portugese, Turkish

WE8ISO8859P9 (ISO 8859-9) : Albanian, Basque, Breton, Catalan, Cornish, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, Galician, German, Greenlandic, Irish Gaelic (new orthography), Italian, Luxemburgish, Norwegian, Portugese, Rhaeto-Romanic, Scottish Gaelic, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish

NE8ISO8859P10 (ISO 8859-10) : Dannish, Estonian, Faroese, Finnish, German, Greenlandic, Icelandic, Irish Gaelic (new orthography), Lithuanian, Norwegian, Sami, Slovenian, Swedish

An external resource http://www.eki.ee/letter allows you to choose a language and then it displays an overview of all the charactersets that contain all the letters.

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