
Windows COBOL compilation(Net Express)

Below are the commands to compile cobol on windows.The .gnt files - executable version of cobol will be generated after compilation and copied to CBLBINU for unicode version and CBLBIN for non unicode . Adjust the paths as necessary.

set PS_HOME=c:\pshome\hcm90

set PATH=%ps_home%\src\cbl\win32;%path%

set COBROOT="c:\program files\micro focus\net express\base"

cd %PS_HOME%\setup

cblbld c: \temp\compile

(make sure you have a space between the c: and the \temp\compile)

Here is the output:

ASCII Cobol Compilations Proceeding

Creating Directory c:\temp\compile

Logging progress to file c:\temp\compile\CBLBLD.LOG

COBOL compiler found in “c:\program files\micro focus\net express\base”  -- note the " and space

The system cannot find the path specified.

Target directory (c:\pshome\hcm90\CBLBINA) exists and is writable

Copying source files …

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