
How to Hide the New Window, Help, Customize Page and HTTP

To Hide the "New Window" link – uncheck ‘Enable New Window’ on web profile (General tab): PeopleTools > Web Profile > Web Profile Configuration

• To Hide the "Help" link – blank out Help URL on web profile (General tab): PeopleTools > Web Profile > Web Profile Configuration
• To Hide the "Customize Page" link – set the Option Default Value of the User Option CUSTOMPGSET to ‘No’ in Personalization Options : PeopleTools > Personalization > Personalization Options (PPTL option level category)

• To Hide the "HTTP" link – there is currently no delivered method to globally force the removal of the copy URL link which displays as "HTTP". It can be removed on a per-component basis by either un-checking the pagebar or the Copy URL feature in the Application Designer definition. Additionally, Peoplecode could also be customized via the CopyURLLink Page class property. Further customization could also take the path of opening the HTML object PORTAL_UNIHEADER_NNS within Application Designer and customizing the header to remove the links as desired. There are no open enhancement requests to deliver this feature.

Of course all of these items can be removed on a per-component basis by either removing the individual link or disabling the entire Pagebar within Application Designer. This can be access in Application Designer, by right clicking on a Component to access the Component Properties and then navigating to the Internet tab.

Java Script

Script tag is the primary tag which identifies javascript. Any javascript code should be written in between the script tag.

Here the attribute language defines the language used.
For VBscript user it will be vbscript.
The script tag can be written anywhere inside head or body tag of html.


Alert or Popup:

The in built function alert can be used for creating a alert or popup message.
Use the function with any string as argument.


vi editor sting search and replace

/string        search forward for string (end with Enter)
     ?string        search backward for string (end with Enter)
     n              repeat the last search (``next search'')
          :s/s1/s2       replace (``substitute'') (the first) s1 in this line by s2
     :lr/s/s1/s2/g  replace all instances of s1 in the line range lr by s2                     (lr is of form `a,b', where a and b are either explicit

pidof COMMAND:

pidof COMMAND:
pidof linux command is used to find the process ID of a running program.

The Syntax is
pidof [options..] program

-sSingle shot - this instructs the program to only return one pid.
-xScripts too - this causes the program to also return process id's of shells running the named scripts.
-oTells pidof to omit processes with that process id. The special pid %PPID can be used to name the parent process of the pidof program, in other words the calling shell or shell script.

  1. To find a process id of a particular console:
    pidof -s console

    This command prints the process id of the console.


chown COMMAND:

chown COMMAND:
chown command is used to change the owner / user of the file or directory. This is an admin command, root user only can change the owner of a file or directory.

The Syntax is
chown [options] newowner filename/directoryname

-RChange the permission on files that are in the subdirectories of the directory that you are currently in.
-cChange the permission for each file.
-fPrevents chown from displaying error messages when it is unable to change the ownership of a file.

  1. chown hiox test.txt

    The owner of the 'test.txt' file is root, Change to new user hiox.

  2. chown -R hiox test

    The owner of the 'test' directory is root, With -R option the files and subdirectories user also gets changed.

  3. chown -c hiox calc.txt

    Here change the owner for the specific 'calc.txt' file only


find command finds one or more files assuming that you know their approximate filenames.

The Syntax is
find path [options]

-nameIt search for the given file, in the current directory or any other subdirectory.
-atime nTrue if the file was accessed n days ago. The access time of directories in path is changed by find itself.
-ctime nTrue if the file's status was changed n days ago.
-group gnameTrue if the file belongs to the group gname. If gname is numeric and does not appear in the /etc/group file, it is taken as a group ID.
-mtime nTrue if the file's data was modified n days ago.
-size n[c]True if the file is n blocks long (512 bytes per block). If n is followed by a c, the size is in bytes.

  1. find -name 'cal.txt'

    The system would search for any file named 'cal.txt' in the current directory and any subdirectory.

  2. find / -name 'cal.txt'

    The system would search for any file named 'cal.txt' on the root and all subdirectories from the root.

  3. find -name '*' -size +1000k

    The system would search for any file in the list that is larger than 1000k.

ifconfig COMMAND

ifconfig COMMAND:
ifconfig command displays information about the network interfaces attached to the system and also used to configure the network interface.

The Syntax is
ifconfig [options]

-adispalys information about both active and inactive Interface
[interface-name]dispalys information about interface
[interface-name] upActivates the interface
[interface-name] downInactivates the interface
[interface-name] [IP Address] upAssigns IP address to the interface and activates it

  1. To get information of active network-interfaces:

    The sample output of above command:

    Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:14:85:9C:CC:55
    inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
    inet6 addr: fe80::214:85ff:fe9c:cc55/64 Scope:Link
    UP LOOPBACK RUNNING MTU:16436 Metric:1
    RX packets:7856 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
    TX packets:7856 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
    RX bytes:492016 (480.4 KiB) TX bytes:398 (398.0 b)
    Interrupt:201 Memory:e1000000-0
    Link encap:Local Loopback
    inet addr: Mask:255.0.0
    inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host
    RX packets:1455 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
    TX packets:5 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
    RX bytes:1917382 (1.8 MiB) TX bytes:1917382 (1.8 MiB)
    In above output:
    Link encap:Ethernet-Specifies the type Interface
    HWaddr 00:14:85:9C:CC:55-Specifies the Hardware or MAC address
    inet addr: the IP address assigend to network-interface

  2. To Assign IP address to Network Interface[Ethernet Card]:
    ifconfig eth0 up
    The above command will Assign IP address to Ethernet card with name eth0.
  3. To inactivate the Network Interface[Ethernet Card]:
    ifconfig eth0 down
    The above command inactivates the ethernet card.

Tar command

tar command is used to create archive and extract the archive files.

The Syntax is
tar [options] [archive-file] [File or directory to be archived]


-cCreates Archive
-xExtract the archive
-fcreates archive with give filename
-tdisplays or lists files in archived file
-uarchives and adds to an existing archive file
-vDisplays Verbose Information
-AConcatenates the archive files

  1. To archive a directory or file :
    tar -cvf backup.tar /etc

    This command creates a tarfile called backup.tar which is the archive of /etc directory.

    backup.tar- Is a tar file created
    /etc- Is a directory archived

  2. To archive a directory or file and store it in a storage device:
    tar -cvf /dev/fd0 /home/user1/HGB

    This command will archive /etc directory and store it in floppy-disk.

    /dev/fd0- Is a floppy-disk name where the archive is stored
    /home/user1/HGB- Is a directory archived

  3. To Extract the archive:
    tar -xvf backup.tar

    This command will extract the backup.tar file

  4. To List The File In An Archive:
    tar -tvf backup.tar

    The above command will display the files and directories that archived in backup.tar.


fgrep COMMAND:
fgrep command is used to search one or more files for lines that match the given string or word. fgrep is faster than grep search, but less flexible: it can only find fixed text, not regular expressions.

The Syntax is
fgrep [options] pattern [file]

-aDon't suppress output lines with binary data, treat as text.
-bPrint the byte offset of input file before each line of output.
-cPrint's the count of line matched.
-hPrint matched lines but not filenames.
-iIgnore changes in case; consider upper- and lower-case letters equivalent.
-nPrint line and line number.
-qPrints in quite mode, prints nothing.
-rRecursively read all files in directories and in subdirectories found.
-vPrints all the lines that do not match.
-VPrint Version.
-wMatch on whole word only.

Lets assume that we have a file file1.txt and it has the following data.
ask your technical solution in our forum

  1. To search and print the lines containing forum :
    fgrep 'forum' file1.txt
    fgrep command prints the output as.
    ask your technical solution in our forum

Unix netstat COMMAND

netstat COMMAND:
nestat command displays statistics information and current state of network connections, protocol, ports/ sockets and devices.

The Syntax is
netstat [options]

-sdispalys statics information about protocols.
-idispalys statistics information about the network interface.
-rdiplays routing table.
-cdisplays statistics information and updates every second.
-ldisplays information about all sockets that are in listening state.
-adisplays information about all sockets that are in listening and non-listening state.
-pdisplays information about sockets with ProcessName and PID.

  1. To get statistics of network connections:
    The sample output of above command:
    Active Internet connections (w/o servers)
    ProtoRecv-QSend-QLocal AddressForeign AddressState

    Proto-Specifies the Protocol used for connection.
    Recv-Q-Specifies the Number of Bytes which are not recevied.
    Send-Q-Specifies the Number of Bytes not send to destination.
    Local Address-Specifies the local or source address and port.
    Foreign Address-Specifies the destination address and port.
    State-Specifies the current state of conection to the socket.
    • ESTABLISHED - Connection is Established.
    • TIME_WAIT - Waiting to receive packets.
    • LISTEN - Listening to establish connection.
  2. To Get Statistics of Protocols:
    netstat -s
    The Sample output of above command:
    5193 incoming packets delivered
    4813 requests sent out
    4033 segments received
    4813 segments send out
    41 ICMP messages received
    178 ICMP messages sent
  3. To Get statistics of Network Interface:
    netstat -i
    The sample output of above command:

    Kernel Interface table
    This is the statistics information of Ethernet Card[eth0


awk command is used to manipulate the text.This command checks each line of a file, looking for patterns that match those given on the command line.

The Syntax is
awk '{pattern + action}' {filenames}

-W versionDisplay version information and exit.
-FPrint help message and exit.

Lets create a file file1.txt and let it have the following data:
Data in file1.txt
14 15 16
15 15 11
5 56 6
5 25 1
  1. To print the second column data in file1.txt
    awk '{print $2}' file1.txt

    This command will manipulate and print second column of text file (file1.txt). The output will look like


  2. To multiply the column-1 and column-2 and redirect the output to file2.txt:
    awk '{print $1,$2,$1*$2}' file1.txt > file2.txt
    Command Explanation:
    $1: Prints 1st column
    $2: Prints 2ndcolumn
    $1*$2: Prints Result of $1 x $2
    file1.txt: input file
    >: redirection symbol
    file2.txt: output file

    The above command will redirect the output to file2.txt and it will look like,
    14 15 210
    15 15 225
    5 56 280
    5 25 12

Working easier with Peopletools Tables

1. Introduction to PeopoleSoft application table structure

Peopletools-based applications are table-based systems. All objects created in Peoplesoft (using Peopletools like Application Designer) are stored as information in Peopletools Tables. What appears in the IDE-App Designer is a mere view of what information is contained in these Peopletools Tables.
To say it in a line: A field could be created even without logging into the App Designer just by inserting some information in one such Peopletools Table.
A database for a Peoplesoft application contains three major sets of tables:
· System Catalog tables store physical attributes of tables and views, which your database management system uses to optimize performance.
· Peopletools tables contain information that you define using Peopletools.
· Application Data tables house the actual data that your users enter and access through PeopleSoft application pages.
Tables in a PeopleSoft database

PeopleTools tables are nothing, but Meta-data tables. Every time that you create a new definition using PeopleTools, the system inserts rows of data into various PeopleTools tables The entries in these tables determine the online processing of the system and what happens during imports. PeopleSoft maintains the structure of these tables.

The knowledge of Peopletools tables can be of help in looking at Peoplesoft Objects in a different perspective, unlocking very precious information at times. It can be of help in business scenarios like locating customizations more efficiently, auditing, documentation etc.

2. Peopletools Tables

The Peopletools tables are used by Peoplesoft to retain the details of all the objects in Peoplesoft system. The list of Peopletools tables is present in the ‘PPLTOOLS’ project in the App Designer. The data in the Peopletools table are useful in many respects. Some of the Peopletools tables are:

2.1 Fields

2.2 Records

2.3 Pages

2.4 Components

2.5 Peoplecode

2.6 Menu

2.7 Project

2.8 Application Engine

Converting PeopleSoft Non-Unicode application to Unicode on Oracle Databases

Unicode PeopleSoft Application:


This is for Multilungual implementation with one or more language application.In layman terms the database character set are to hold the world language wich need more more space for holding languages base like Japase,Chinese,Latin etc.,

Non-Unicode PeopleSOft Application:


Mostly for Western English and some simplified languges like Portuguse,spanish implementaion this means the space to store the charecter set in database is minimal

Below are the steps to conver Non-Unicode PeopleSoft Application to Unicode on Oracle Databases

This section discusses how to:

· Export database table structures using PeopleSoft Data Mover scripts.

· Export database contents using the Oracle Export utility.

· Create new Oracle10g database instances using the UTF-8 character set.

· Pre-create Unicode database table structures using PeopleSoft Data Mover scripts.

· Import database contents using Oracle Import.

· Specify Unicode databases in PeopleSoft systems.

· Create Views.

· Rerun Oracle database imports.

Understanding Converting to Unicode on Oracle Databases:


Converting a PeopleSoft 8.x/9.X database on Oracle to Unicode requires creating a new Oracle instance with

a UTF-8 character set and new column sizes for PeopleSoft columns created as VARCHAR2.

For small databases, the simplest way of converting a PeopleSoft database on Oracle to Unicode is to

export the entire database using Data Mover, create a new Oracle instance using the UTF-8 character

set, and re-import the entire database using Data Mover.

For larger database, a better process is to use Data Mover to pre-build the structure of the tables and

then use Oracle export/import to move the bulk of the data between the old and new Oracle instances.

The following sections describe how to convert a PeopleSoft 8.x/9.x database on Oracle to Unicode.

Note: The information described is valid on PeopleSoft 8.x databases. It is not possible to convert a

database to Unicode on PeopleTools 7.x or earlier releases.

1. Export the database table structure using PeopleSoft Data Mover.

2. Export the database contents using the Oracle Export utility.

3. Create a new Oracle10g database instance using the UTF-8 character set.

4. Pre-create the Unicode database table structure using PeopleSoft Data Mover.

5. Import the database contents using the Oracle Import utility.

6. Enable the Unicode database in the PeopleSoft system.

7. Create views.

Step 1)Exporting Database Table Structures Using PeopleSoft Data Mover


This section describes how to use Data Mover to export the database structure to a DAT file.

Note. This process exports the database table structure only and does not include the database contents.

Sign onto the PeopleSoft 8.x/9.x database using Data Mover in non-bootstrap mode, and run the following






The DAT file created by Data Mover will not be large – possibly 20-30Mb, as it will contain only the

structure of your PeopleSoft tables, views and indexes– not the data.

Save the file created by the process. It will be referred to as the structural export in this document.

Step 2)Exporting Database Contents(Table data) Using the Oracle Export Utility:


This section discusses how to:

· Set the NLS_LANG variable.

· Create an export parameter file.

· Export database contents.

Understanding Exporting Database Contents Using the Oracle Export UtilityOn the server machine running the Oracle 8i database, use the Oracle export command (exp) to export

all objects owned by the PeopleSoft OwnerID.

Setting the NLS_LANG Variable

Before running the export process, verify that the character set component of the NLS_LANG setting is

set to match the character set of the database. NLS_LANG is an environment variable on Unix and a

registry setting under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Oracle on Windows.

For example, if the database character set is WE8ISO8859P1, NLS_LANG should be set to

AMERICAN_AMERICA.WE8ISO8859P1, or another language combination with WE8ISO8859P1 as the

character set component.

To verify the current character set of the Oracle database, run the following SQL statement in SQL*Plus

while logged in as a database administrator:




Creating an Export Parameter File

After you have set the NLS_LANG environment variable appropriately based on your instance’s current

character set, create an export parameter file similar to the following example, substituting the appropriate

username/password of the Owner ID and the location and name of the export file to be created.

This file can be created with any text editor.

Note: Ensure that the files system on which you will be creating the export file has sufficient space

available to accommodate all the data in the PeopleSoft database. A good estimate of the space needed

is to calculate the amount of space currently taken by TABLES owned by the PeopleSoft OwnerID and

adding 20 percent. You can get this data from querying the DBA_FREE_SPACE and DBA_DATA_FILES

catalog views. Remember that INDEX data is not stored in export files, only the index definition. If you

have insufficient space on any one file system to store the export file, you can use the filesize parameter

of the Oracle Export Utility. See your Oracle Utilities guide for more information on multi-file exports.









Exporting Database Contents

After you create the export parameter file as described in the previous section, call the Oracle export

using the following command, substituting with the name of the export parameter file.

exp parfile=

The export (.dmp) file created by this process will be referred to as the “database export” in this


Step 3)Creating New Oracle10g Database Instances Using the UTF8 Character set:


This section discusses how to:

· Create a new Oracle8i database instance using the UTF -8 character set.

· Pre-create objects in the new Oracle database instance.

Creating New Oracle Database Instances

Next, you must create a new Oracle instance with a Unicode encoding (UTF-8) which will become the

new PeopleSoft Unicode database.

This database must contain the same tablespaces as the original database, if one or more objects owned

by the PeopleSoft OwnerID were in those tablespaces.

For example, if the original database had 10 tablespaces, and PeopleSoft used five, you must create

those five tablespaces with the same names (but not necessarily the same file paths) in the new Unicode


When you create the new Oracle instance, be sure to specify CHARACTER SET UTF8 at the end of the

CREATE DATABASE command. See the Oracle SQL Reference guide for syntax information on the


Pre-Creating Objects in New Oracle Database Instances

You must pre-create the following objects in the new Oracle database instance:

· The SYSTEM tablespace (automatically created by the CREATE DATABASE command).

· The PSTEMP tablespace.

· Sufficient active rollback segments to complete the import. One segment must be large enough to

contain the entire contents of the largest table for the import to succeed without incremental commits.

· The same tablespaces as used by the PeopleSoft OwnerID in the existing PeopleSoft database.

· The PS User ID and the PSDBOWNER table. To create these, run the DBOWNER.SQL script

provided by PeopleSoft through SQL*Plus. You must manually populate this table with a row for the

PeopleSoft database you are moving to the new instance. Check the contents of the existing

PS.PSDBOWNER table for a guide.

· The PeopleSoft OwnerID and ConnectID with the same name as in the existing PeopleSoft database.

You can create this ID by running the PSROLES.SQL, PSADMIN.SQL and CONNECT.SQL scripts

through SQL*Plus. See the PeopleSoft Installation Guide for details on running these scripts at

installation time.

· Set up appropriate LISTENER.ORA and TNSNAMES.ORA entries for the new instance.

Pre-Creating Unicode Database Table Structures Using PeopleSoft

Data Mover

Sign on to the newly created Oracle database using Data Mover. Login in bootstrap mode using the

OwnerID and password.

Once logged in, execute the following Data Mover script, substituting the name of the structural export file

you created in with Data Mover in a previous step. Be sure to include the "SET NO STATISTICS;"

command only if you are running PeopleTools 8.40 or higher. Without this command on PeopleTools

8.40, the Data Mover import process will fail once the PSDDLMODEL table is created:





SET STATISTICS OFF; /* Only include this statement if you are running

PeopleTools 8.40 or higher */



This script creates all the tables in the original PeopleSoft database in the new database with no rows of

data, and without indexes. Indexes are omitted in this step, as it much more efficient to create indexes

after loading table data as compared to loading data into pre-indexed tables.

Importing Database Contents Using the Oracle Import Utility

This section discusses how to:

· Clear the NLS_LANG variable.

· Create import parameter files.

· Run the Oracle Import utility.

Understanding Importing Database Contents Using the Oracle Import Utility

Once the tables have been pre-created by Data Mover, you are ready to import the database export you

created. You perform this import using Oracle’s import utility (imp).


Clearing the NLS_LANG Variable

Before running the Oracle import process, clear the NLS_LANG environment variable (UNIX) or remove

the NLS_LANG registry setting (Windows). Doing ensures that Oracle reads the character set

information from the export file and performs the appropriate conversion to the database’s UTF -8

character set.

See Also

Setting the NLS_LANG Variable

Creating Import Parameter Files

Create an import parameter file, similar to the export parameter file you created during the export step.

This file should have the following commands:









Running the Oracle Import Utility

Run the Oracle Import utility from the command line using the following command, substituting in the

name of the file containing the above parameters.

imp parfile=

Ensure that the import completes successfully with no errors before continuing.

Specifying Unicode Databases in PeopleSoft Systems

When the import has completed successfully you must specify in PeopleSoft that the database is now a

Unicode database. To do this, login to SQL*Plus as the database owner ID, and run the following SQL



See Also

Rerunning Oracle Database Imports

Creating Views

You are now ready to sign into the new PeopleSoft Unicode database. Log into SQL*Plus, and edit and

run GRANT.SQL (provided in your PeopleTools installation in the SCRIPTS directory), to setup the

appropriate grants to the ConnectID you created previously. Remember to edit the script first to include

the correct Connect ID.


You should now be able to log into your new PeopleSoft Unicode database using Application Designer.

Follow the steps in your PeopleSoft 8 Installation and Administration guide entitled “Create PeopleSoft

Views” in order to create all the views required by your database.

Rerunning Oracle Database Imports

When the PSSTATUS table is imported from a non-Unicode export file, the UNICODE_ENABLED flag is

Before re-running any Data Mover imports, or any time PSSTATUS is re-imported for a non-Unicode

export file, set the UNICODE_ENABLED flag to 1.

See Also

Specifying Unicode Databases in PeopleSoft Systems

Running SQR from command line

Below command will run the sqr from command prompt on Windows:

D:\hrms\bin\sqr\ORA\BINW\sqrw.exe -ZIFD:\hrms\sqr\pssqr.ini -iD:\hrms\sqr\ -oc:\temp\sqr.log -fc:\temp\ -s sysadm/*****@HCM -printer:PD

Steps to Implement SSL for WebLogic 8.1SP5

App Designer Table Space display issue

Below SQL will update the Table space name so that developer can save their records from application designer or you can run setspace.sqr program to update tablespace after database refresh.Thanks!


Changing Peoplesoft page and menu display colour

Below sql statement change the peoplesoft page and menu display colour to green:

Below is the default colour for the page(Blue)


Script to find the PeopleSoft process status through sqlplus

Create Unix shell script or the batch file with below commaind
sqlplus sysadm/*****@HRMS @process.sql -S

Create a script Process.sql script to the all the process status from sql

set linesize 300;
set pagesize 0;
select a.name||','||prcsinstance||','||rtrim(ltrim(prcsjobname))||','||prcstype||','||
8,'Cancelled',9,'Success',10,'Not Successful',11,'Posted',12,'Unable to Post',
13,'resend',14,'Posting',15,'Content Generated',16,'Pending',17,'Success with Warning',
decode(diststatus,0,'None',1,'Scheduled',2,'Processing',3,'Generated',4,'Unable to Post',
5,'Posted',6,'Delete',7,'Posting (stuck)')
from v$database a,
psprcsrqst b
where oprid in ('admin')
and to_char(rundttm,'DD-MON-YYYY')=to_char(sysdate,'DD-MON-YYYY')
and runcntlid in ('IVT','ivt','test')

LDAP Directory server configuration for PeopleSoft8.8

Setting up LDAP Directory Interface for PeopleSoft Finance 8.8

a) Configuration Directory

Navigation: People Tools > Security > Directory > Configure Directory page

This component has four pages - Directory Setup, Additional DNs, Schema Management and Test Connectivity, to setup LDAP authentication only the Directory Setup and Test Connectivity pages are important.

Page Attributes on the Directory Setup Page.

· Directory ID: ACTIVEDIR

· Description: ActiveDir

· Directory Product: Microsoft Active Directory

· Default Connect: domain\LDAP_Admin_username

· Password: **********

· Port: 389

After setting the Directory Setup click on the Test Connectivity tab. Verify that the results are SUCCESS.

b) Cache the directory Schema

Navigation: People Tools > Security > Directory > Cache Directory Schema

Page Attributes on the Cache Schema page.

· Directory ID: ACTIVEDIR

· Server Name: Select an active PSNT server

· Click on Save and then click on process

· Monitor the process using the process monitor to ensure that it completes successfully.

c) Creating and setting up Authentication Map

Navigation: People Tools > Security > Directory > Authentication Map

Page Attributes on the Authentication page.


· The Directory ID: ACTIVEDIR

· Connect DN: domain\LDAP_Admin_username

· SeqNum: 1

· LDAP Server: LDAP server name

· Search Base: DN=***,DC=*****,DC=com

· Search Scope: Sub

· Search Attribute: sAMAccountName

· Search Filter: (sAMAccountName = %SignonUserid)

d) Setting up User Profile Map

Navigation: People Tools > Security > Directory > User Profile Map

Page Attributes on the Mandatory user Properties page.

· User Proflie Map: AUTHUSERMAP

· Authentication Map: ACTIVEAUTHMAP

· Directory ID: ACTIVEDIR

· User ID Attribute: sAMAccountName

· ID Type: NON

· Check Use default Role checkbox

· Default Role: Role Name for default.Create one if not there.

· Check User Default Language Code checkbox

· Language: English

e) Setting up SignOn PeopleCode Page

Navigation: People Tools > Security > Security Object > Signon PeopleCode

  • Check the following checkboxes Enabled and Exec Auth Fail for the function names Password_Controls & LDAP_AUTHENTICATION (Note: Sequence 1 & 3)
  • Save the changes
  • Bounce all the AppServers

Setting Roles & Permission Lists

Permission Lists

Navigation: PeopleTools > Security > Permissions & Roles > Permission Lists to add appropriate permision to user