
WebLogic Fails to Listen on SSL Port after Installing a WildCard Certificate or a SHA2 Certificate. Logs Message: "Cannot convert identity certificate

This error can occur for two reasons:
Reason#1: Using a non-compliant certificate such as wildcard
Older WebLogic versions, such as WebLogic 8.1 and 9.2, do not support wildcard certificates as per the RFC3280 specifications.   Although even though the wild card certificates are not supported on older WebLogic versions, they often function without issues.   However, we do know that there are issues with wildcards on WebLogic 8.1SP6 and we occasionally see issues on other WebLogic versions as well. In addition, there can be problems with using wildcard certificates on a PeopleSoft Gateway server as noted in bug 11607478.
Reason#2: Using a SHA2 certificate
SHA2 is a newer hash algorithm and is supported by WebLogic starting with version 10.3.3.  However, if you use SHA2, you must enable JSSE SSL (details in 'Solution' section) or else you will get the above error


If you are using a Wildcard Certificate:
Install a certificate with no wildcard characters in the common name (CN)

If you are using a SHA 2 Certificate (ie Signature Algorithm starts with 'SHA2')
1. If you are using WebLogic 10.3.2 or lower, you must first upgrade to WebLogic 10.3.3 or higher (ideally, you should upgrade to WebLogic 10.3.6 as there are some SHA2 bug fixes that are included in WebLogic 10.3.6. Refer to document 1389918.1 for instructions on upgrading WebLogic.   If you are unable to upgrade, then you will need to switch to a SHA1 certificate

2. If you are using WebLogic 10.3.3 or higher, then use the following steps to enable JSSE SSL which trusts stronger certificates such as SHA2.
    a. Log in to your WebLogic admin console
    b. From left menu, choose Environment -> Servers -> PIA
    c. Click the 'Configuration' tab and 'SSL' subtab
    d. Go to bottom of page and click the 'Advanced' hyperlink
    e. Click the 'Lock & Edit' button on top left menu
    f. Go to bottom of page and check "Use JSSE SSL"
    g. Click "Save"
    h. Click 'Activate Changes'

WebLogic Fails to Start with Error "PersistentStoreException" or "Couldn't obtain an exclusive lock to the embedded LDAP data files directory"

This problem occurs if you kill the WebLogic process via kill -9 on Unix or via CTL+C from the PIA command prompt on a Windows system.

Make sure that no other java process is using the same port that this server is trying to acquire. If there is another process using this port, you will need to either change the port WebLogic uses or the port for the process that is already running. This can be done through netstat or on Unix, by listing all of the running java processes with "ps -ef|grep java".

To resolve the error, remove the ldap directory from:
    For PeopleTools 8.44 to 8.48: \webserv\\\
    For PeopleTools 8.49+: \webserv\\servers\\data\

There is file called EmbeddedLDAP.lok that is created under the ldapfiles folder (within the ldap directory). If this file is present, the server cannot boot and you will see the exceptions above.

This file is normally unlocked on shutdown, but if the previous shutdown occurred in an abnormal way, such as a crash, then this file may not be unlocked properly and the server will generate those exceptions.

Remove the *.DAT and EmbeddedLDAP.lok files.

1. Make sure the server is stopped.
2. Go to the following directory
     For PeopleTools 8.44 to 8.48: \webserv\\\ldap\ldapfiles
     For PeopleTools 8.49+: \webserv\\servers\\data\ldap\ldapfiles
3. Remove "EmbeddedLDAP.lok"
4. Remove "*.DAT"
5. Restart WebLogic.

Crystal Reports 2008 - Client - Error "Missing or invalid version of SQL library PSORA32 (200.0). Invalid userid or password

The issue is caused by the following setup: PSORA32.dll present in "/bin/client/winx86" cannot be accessed from the PATH environment variable
With Peopletools 8.53, PeopleTools application and batch servers are now 64 bit applications. But some batch server components are still 32 bit. So you need to have both 32 bit and 64 bit Oracle client for batch server to work correctly.
So, as both 64 bit and 32 bit Oracle client on Scheduler machine, please make sure that both Clients locations populated correctly in "Add to Path" parameter in PSPRCS.cfg fle.


To implement the solution, please execute the following steps:
1. Please ensure both 32-bit and 64-bit connectivity has been nstalled on the batch server
2.. Go to Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\System > Advance > Environmental Variables 

3. Add the /bin/client/winx86" as the first entry in PATH variable  as the first entry in PATH variable. Make sure that the 32-bit connectivity is listed first, then the 64-bit listed second. If the PATH in the environment variables of the local windows machine is set up incorrectly with 64-bit listed first, then application designer would find the 64-bit connectivity first and attempt to use it, causing an error.   The servers that require 64-bit will not always use the first connectivity encountered in the PATH

4. Reboot the Process Scheduler domain. In some instances, the machine would need a reboot for the solution to take effect.

5. Migrate the solution as appropriate to other environments.
6. In some instances, a reboot of the machine may be required but not necessary.

Crystal Will Not Run With The Runtime SP3 Version - Crystal Runtime Initialization Failed

The issue was caused by extra Crystal DLLs existing in the problem environment's %pshome%\setup\crystalbin, which were not delivered with the PeopleTools installation.  It is not clear how these files got into the %pshome%\setup\crystalbin, possibly as a result of a prior copy operation.

1) Remove the extra files in %pshome%\setup\crystalbin which should not be present from the PT installation.
For PT8.51+ only the following should be included under %pshome%\setup\crystalbin:
(don't remove these from their delivered location, they need to be able to be copied by the psodbccrinst.exe program)

NOTE:  To support the PStoWords function, psodbccrinst.exe also copies from %pshome%\bin\client\winx86: 
(don't remove these from their delivered location, they need to be able to be copied by the psodbccrinst.exe program)

2) Uninstall all Crystal and the Crystal Runtime from the process scheduler
3) Disable all antivirus for the duration of the Crystal and Crystal Runtime install
4) Install  Crystal Reports 2008 runtim and client, if it will be used.
5) Rerun the psodbccrinst.exe and confirm that only the above files were copied by viewing the psodbccrinst.log.
6) Reenable anitvirus
7) Restart the process scheduler
8) Retest the issue.
9) Migrate as appropriate