The issue is caused by the following setup: PSORA32.dll present in "/bin/client/winx86" cannot be accessed from the PATH environment variable
With Peopletools 8.53, PeopleTools application and batch servers are now 64 bit applications. But some batch server components are still 32 bit. So you need to have both 32 bit and 64 bit Oracle client for batch server to work correctly.
So, as both 64 bit and 32 bit Oracle client on Scheduler machine, please make sure that both Clients locations populated correctly in "Add to Path" parameter in PSPRCS.cfg fle.
To implement the solution, please execute the following steps:
1. Please ensure both 32-bit and 64-bit connectivity has been nstalled on the batch server
2.. Go to Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\System > Advance > Environmental Variables
3. Add the/bin/client/winx86" as the first entry in PATH variable as the first entry in PATH variable. Make sure that the 32-bit connectivity is listed first, then the 64-bit listed second. If the PATH in the environment variables of the local windows machine is set up incorrectly with 64-bit listed first, then application designer would find the 64-bit connectivity first and attempt to use it, causing an error. The servers that require 64-bit will not always use the first connectivity encountered in the PATH
4. Reboot the Process Scheduler domain. In some instances, the machine would need a reboot for the solution to take effect.
5. Migrate the solution as appropriate to other environments.
3. Add the
4. Reboot the Process Scheduler domain. In some instances, the machine would need a reboot for the solution to take effect.
5. Migrate the solution as appropriate to other environments.
6. In some instances, a reboot of the machine may be required but not necessary.
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