
COBOL custom path compilation different from PS HOME

Create a custom directory called "TEST".Copy all the cobol source code to to this directory and also copy the setup folder to this TEST directory.Follow the below steps to generate the .gnt executables in the custom target path from custom souce path

C:\Documents and Settings\svc_psoft>set PS_HOME=d:\psoft\TEST

C:\Documents and Settings\svc_psoft>set path=D:\psoft\TEST\src\cbl\win32;%path%

C:\Documents and Settings\svc_psoft>set COBROOT="D:\Program Files\Micro Focus\Net Express 5.0\Base"

C:\Documents and Settings\svc_psoft>d:

D:\>cd %PS_HOME%\setup

D:\pt849gbl\FINGRPT\setup>cblbld c: \temp

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