
PeopleSoft Installaton script order for new environment creation

CHANGE AND ON SCRIPTS createdb10.sql, rollback.sql,epddl.sql,ptddlupg.sql,ptddl.sql,utlspace.sql ,ts841.sql TO THE APPROPRIATE VALUES FOR  DATABASE STANDARD

All the scripts will be available on PS_HOME\scripts\NT after the Peoplesoft application installation
1)createdb10.sql-- creates database (Change the database name and file locatoin)
2)rollback.sql -- created rollback segnemt .
3)epddl.sql -- Creates PeopleSoft metadata tools tablespace and PS application data tablespace (Change the datafiles location in the script for server standard)
4)ptddlupg.sql -- Creates additional metadata tools tablespace.Ignore error tablespace already exists (Change the datafiles location in the script)
5)ptddl.sql -- Creates additional metadata tools tablespace.Ignore error tablespace already exists (Change the datafiles location in the script)
6)utlspace.sql -- Creates temp tables and Runs catalog,cataproc,catablock for loading oracle metadata ( Change datafiles location and script path)
7)ts841.sql -- Creates additional metadata tools tablespace.Ignore error tablespace already exists (Change the datafiles location in the script)
8)dbowner.sql -- creates user PS and PSDBOWNER table/synonym (change oracle system password in script to connect)
9)connect.sql -- creates user people

10)psrole.sql -- creates two roles PSUSER and PSADMIN

11)psadmin.sql -- Enter user name as “sysadm” and password “sysadm” when prompts. This script also runs catdbsyn/pupbld (change oracle system password in script to connect)

12)upstats.sql -- runs the DB statistics after data load from data mover

Then load the data from datamover


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Raj Pandian said...

Thank You!! and follow on other posts